KI KORE BOLBO TOMAYE Lyrics | Ki Kore Toke Bolbo | Ankush, Mimi Chakraborty

Singer: Palak Muchhal (Female) and Papon (Male)
Music: Jeet Gannguli
Lyrics: Prasen
Starring: Ankush Hazra & Mimi Chakraborty
Music Label: Shree Venkatesh Films

Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay Lyrics from Ki Kore Toke Bolbo featuring Ankush Hazra and Mimi Chakraborty, sung by Palak Muchhal and Papon, composed Jeet Ganguly with lyrics penned by Prasen.

Ki Kore Bolbo Tomaye Lyrics
Ki kore bolbo tomaye
Ashole mon ki chaay
Ke she paliye beray tomar theke
Ki kore bolbo tomaye
Keno e mon haat baray
Abaro hariye she jaay tomat theke

Tumi jante paroni
Koto golpo pure jaay
Tumi chinte paroni ameke haay
Ki kore bolbo tomaye
Ashole mon ki chaay
Ke she paliye beray tomar theke

Poth bhule gechi chole dhurer kuyashay
Tobu aamar sotti nei upaay
Tumi amar jiter baaji tumi amar haar
Ki kore bolbo tomaye
Ashole mon ki chaay
Ke she paliye beray tomar theke

Jodi boli
chura golir moner jaay kothaye
Ashbe ki rakhbe ki tomar uthaporaye
Tumi jaliye newa kono sukh tara
Ki kore bolbo tomaye
Ashole mon ki chaay
Ke she paliye beray tomar theke

Tumi jante paroni
Koto golpo pure jaay
Tumi chinte paroni ameke haay
Ki kore bolbo tomaye
Ashole mon ki chaay
Ke she paliye beray tomar theke

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TAGS:- #ki kore bolbo tomay lyrics, #ki kore bolbo tomay song lyrics, #ki kore bolbo tomay Bengali song lyrics, #ki kore toke bolbo lyrics in bengali, #ki kore bolbo tomay by Palak Muchhal, #ki kore bolbo tomay papon, #ki kore bolbo tomay by Jeet Gannguli, #ki kore bolbo Ankush Hazra & Mimi Chakraborty, #Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay Lyrics in English, #Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay Bengali Lyrics, #ki kore toke bolbo song lyrics in english, #Ankush Hazra & Mimi Chakraborty songs lyrics, #Bengali songs Lyrics, #Best Bengali songs Lyrics

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